Well, the weather has finally turned 😎
Summer feels likes it's on the way - and that means Santa is getting ready - which means it will be the end of the year before we know it. #howdidthathappen?
In the coming weeks we'll be finalising our booking schedule in the lead up to the holidays. If you're a regular peep and you need some extra garden love booked in, or if you'd like to confirm your pre Christmas bookings you can email us anytime or call the fab admin team on 8488 7233.
If you've been thinking (even just a little) about booking a quote with us it's SUPER important that you get in touch ASAP - especially if you're looking at having things done before Christmas. We'll be booked up for the year soon, and the 2024 waiting list will begin!
🎉 New year holiday dates 🎉 #bringiton
We will be closed Friday 22nd December 2023 & back on the tools Monday 15th January 2024
It almost feels surreal thinking about next year already, BUT on top of planning for our busiest silly season yet, we have some very exciting things in the pipeline...
🌻 Mel is heading back to uni - Melbourne Uni (if you don't mind 🤓) to get stuck into the Masters of Urban Horticulture
🌻 Our sister biz Garden Nerds Australia will be launched early in the year - stay tuned for more on that in 2024 AND
🌻 We'll be recruiting more amazing people to join our garden and nerd gangs
PHEW! Gotta love a crazy life schedule to keep us all on our toes! Have fun being fabulous in the lead up to the holidays and don't forget to stay awesome #likeus
- Mel & the ever amazing garden team xx